
Here is some extra information

SMUDGING: If done effectively it is great for removing those negative vibrations when done right. Done wrong, best case you wasted time, worst case you disturbed something or someone. There are some simple rules to smudging to save a lot of grief. I'm sure I will offend and again, I apologize.

1. Always know what your smudging for, and what herbs are needed. 
2. Never leave a half a smudge stick to use another time Burn it all, or don't burn it at all, same with censoring.
3. Never put the ashes in the trash or down the drain, instead remove them from the house and take them to a cemetery scatter them or bury them there, or take them to living water and cast them upon the water. Or at a crossroads.
4. Never think that sage (tho it is great) will do it all.
5. Smudging for spirit banishment can be dangerous. For example: you wouldn't use the "lords prayer" to banish a showgun warriors spirit ( just an example ). You will just make it angry or confused and that can be dangerous. If you don't know always get a professional.

Research and preparation are your best tools, anything less you just wasted your time.

Use of proper tools:  Just as you would not use a saw to change a tire. You should know what tools or impliments to use and how to properly use them. This is very important as it can cause you many headaches and failure in your tasks at hand, if you don't know or are not sure ask somone for their advise and knowledge, or just don't do it.

Workings:  Take the time to research make a list of things you will need as well as what you're going to do.  

1. Timing: This is important for success. Know your time (am or pm), day of the week, and even the hour (planetary hours are different from regular hours).

2. Focus: Yet another important part to consider for success. You need to be in the right frame of mind as well as relaxed. If you are stressed, tired, angry, or just not with it, you should refrian from any workings as this can lead to failure, unwanted outcomes or even catastrophic consequences.

3. Purpose: This one is kinda straight forward but worth mentioning. Be sure you can focus on your intent for the maximum outcome of your workings. Know your purpose.

4. Supplies: Gather all you need before you start. There is nothing more frustrating than forgetting something (vital or trivial) when in the middle or the start of your workings. This can and does lead to failure. So save yourself time and aggravation make a list and check it more than twice.

5. Privacy: There is nothing worse than trying to do something and be disturbed. Have a quiet place for your workings a personal space free from distractions. This alone can make the difference in success or failure. 

6. Success or failure: We all want to succeed but failure is a real possibility. Don't be discouraged by failure it is part of the learning curve, and success is so sweet. This takes time it just wont happen overnight your first might be a success the next a total failure.

Well this is just a short list of some of the things to consider in your workings I know there is more this is just to get you thinking. As with anything start small and then work your way up don't try to tackle the worlds issues in one go. Please keep these few rules in mind when you are doing your workings. Blessed Be!

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